- The Lasallians shall always follow faithfully the five guiding Principles of the school.
- The Lasallians shall assume personal responsibilities for their education and shall therefore co-operate with their superiors and their teachers in abiding by the school policies ( especially the Rules and Regulations), involving them in the different activities of the school.
- The Lasallians shall always present themselves in a dignified manner, by the way they speak act and dress in and out of school.
- The Lasallians shall show respect to every person and special reverence to those in authority. They will follow the right Christian and Moral Principles when dealing with their teachers.
- The Lasallians shall consider St. John Baptist De La Salle as their patron; they shall therefore maintain and preserve with utmost care all the facilities and all the equipment of the school.
- The Lasallians shall zealously guard and protect the school’s honor and shall avoid and counter whatever may tarnish it’s good reputation.
- The Lasallians shall treat all Lasallians, both male and female, with the highest respect and honour, and will not do anything to offend human and Christian moral principles.
- The school administration reserves to itself the right to add or alter the rules and regulations laid down on this manual whenever circumstances demand.